The Bendigo Education Plan 2018 (BEP) is a collaboration between the Department of Education (DE) and a range of local community organisations. The development of the plan was facilitated by DE throughout 2017-18 via a steering group with broad representation from community organisations across the City of Greater Bendigo.


All children and young people in Bendigo will become successful learners and resilient individuals who strive for excellence and who have the skills, knowledge and capabilities they need to lead active, satisfying and productive lives.


1. Ensure equitable access to quality programs, pathways and facilities.
2. Build educator capacity to support and extend all students.
3. Create a culture of excellence for all.
4. Enrich approaches to curriculum, pedagogy and assessment.
5. Strengthen supports for children and young people.
6. Partner with families and carers as first educators.
7. Collaborate with community, business and industry to lift engagement, learning and development outcomes.

For more information about the Bendigo Education Plan, click the link –